
IFC members talking at an outdoor event.

Summer and Orientation Sessions (Pre-Recruitment Activities)

IFC will participate in campus orientation events and each chapter will plan and host 他们自己的活动

Fraternity Recruitment begins with building relationships during the summer by providing you with the opportunity to meet many new people, including fellow students and fraternity men. Our summer orientation sessions offer you a chance to learn about fraternity life and provide your information for formal recruitment which takes place in the 上课后跌倒. 

Receiving a bid from a chapter is not allowed in the summer or during orientation 会话的访问.  Accepting a bid during the summer or orientation sessions can forfeit your participation in Fall Recruitment which will result in you not being able to participate until spring informal recruitment.  


IFC Formal Recruitment begins in the fall with Fraternity Orientation and Open House events. Here you will have an opportunity to speak with members of each fraternity and learn 更多十大玩彩信誉平台他们组织的信息. Visit the recruitment schedule to see the dates, times, 以及每晚的地点. 

If the chapter chooses you as someone they would like to have as part of their organization, they will offer you an official “bid” to join. You will receive a bid on the final 秋季正式招聘日. If you receive a bid, it is up to you to determine whether or not you wish to accept it. You can receive bids from multiple houses but it is up to you to decide which chapter you will join. 当你接受出价时 fraternity will have you sign their bid card.  Upon signing the bid card you will be considered a new member of that fraternity.

We are working to make sure that the recruitment process is safe and enjoyable for all students as well as ensuring all University policies are upheld. 保持联系 with us on Instagram for updates on the recruitment schedule and events.

Suggested attire for all recruitment events is casual.